Lamborghini Diablo Viscous coupling and gearbox rebuild
- A nut for the viscous coupling came undone, causing serious damaging to the bell housing area the were the
viscous coupling is positioned
- Upon disassemble it was decided to replace all bearings due them being out of tolerance due to wear
- Fortunately we were able to properly wield the damage sections back together to save the original casting
- After assemble bench tested to enure smooth gear selection
Rebuilding the gearbox
- Remove engine and gearbox
- After disassembling gearbox, main shaft was out of tolerance, and all bearings needed replacement
- Bellhousing wielded to repair damage from nut on vicious coupling coming lose and being thrashed around inside the casing
- After assemble bench tested gear selection and proper engagement of all gears.
Testing Lamborghini Diablo transmission gear selection setup